This recipe is the first recipe I wrote and published – so, it’s really special to me! Fish on a Stick is something my husband and I dreamed about! We love to think about different ways to cook a classic recipe. One of my sweets spots is frying fish and we love eating our fried catfish with pickles and onions, so, it was natural for me to drum this up! I really hope you enjoy it! If you make this recipe, please leave a comment.
Video Tutorial and recipe can be found below. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel to stay up to date.

Fried Catfish on a Stick w/ Video Tutorial
Rinse fish in cold water
Cut into small square pieces (not too small)
In a separate bowl add and mix seasonings together
In another bowl add pickle and onion slices, a dash of salt and pepper – gently mix
Add Yellow Cornmeal into a Large bowl and mix in ¼ of seasoning mix - set to the side
Load Catfish into a gallon size plastic bag
Add ¾ seasoning to the fish in the bag - shake and massage until each piece is covered
Load 1 piece of fish, two pickle slices, and 1 onion slice to the skewer. Repeat about 3 times
Heat 2-3 inches of Canola Oil in a frying pan to about 360 degrees
Cover each skewer in Cornmeal
Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes until golden brown (uncovered)