Ground Turkey Taco Chili is a super yummy remix to a classic dish and is an easy way to sneak some extra veggies into dinner for those picky eaters. Its taco flare is bound to win over a crowd. I add Rotel can tomatoes, cilantro, corn, black beans, Adobo seasonings, Mexican Chili Seasonings, and Mexican hot sauce to boost the taco flavor. Once it’s finished cooking, make you and your family a big ole’ bowl and garnish it with all your favorite taco fixings; Mexican-style shredded cheese, extra cilantro, onions, jalapenos, and sour cream. MMMmmmmmm, it’s a fall time favorite in my house.
We actually normally kick the holidays off with this dish. I can focus more on preparing for the holidays when I don’t have to think about cooking dinner every night the week leading up to the big day. This recipe is extremely versatile and you can also enjoy it watching football, just put it into a bread bowl and turn it into a dip. Issa HIT!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does.

Easy 5 Step Ground Turkey Taco Chili
Prep ingrdients
Brown ground turkey in a medium skillet on medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, then add seasoning, onions, peppers and cook for an additional 3-5 minutes until ground turkey is all the way done
Add ground turkey mixture and the access liquid to a large pot and add remaining ingrdients
Stir, cover with a lid, and let cook for 30 minutes on medium-low heat, stirring occasionally
Garrnish with Mexican Style Cheese, Onions, Sour Cream, Jalepeno, and Cilantro! Enjoy